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[Whois服务器: whois.nic.at]

% copyright (c)2025 by nic.at (1)                                       
% restricted rights.
% except  for  agreed internet  operational  purposes, no  part  of this
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% it is furthermore strictly forbidden to use the whois-database in such
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domain:         bcs.at
registrar:      world4you internet services gmbh ( https://nic.at/registrar/61 )
registrant:     bwus11917692-nicat
tech-c:         gg702595-nicat
nserver:        ns1.world4you.at
nserver:        ns2.world4you.at
changed:        20180611 08:35:07
source:         at-dom

personname:     alexander unterberger
organization:   bcs wirtschafts- und steuerberatungs gmbh
street address: hauptstrasse 28
postal code:    5082
city:           groedig
country:        austria
nic-hdl:        bwus11917692-nicat
changed:        20180611 08:34:59
source:         at-dom

personname:     domain admin
organization:   world4you internet services gmbh
street address: hafenstrasse 35
postal code:    4020
city:           linz
country:        austria
nic-hdl:        gg702595-nicat
changed:        20190117 15:19:57
source:         at-dom
